Sunday, April 27, 2008

Marin headlands sf ca

Marin headlands sf ca, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

New frjtz in Hayes is open.

New frjtz in Hayes is open., originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Got oil?

Got oil?, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Python my new Ruby?

Since Google's App Engine was released, I've got excited about learning Python. While I was currently on a slow long path to learn Ruby on Rails, Java Struts, etc. I think I am going to switch to learning Python. I'll post any plans here on how my studying comes along.

Want to study along, check out the numerous tutorials on the Python site.

I need a haircut

I need a hair cut?! Well, that is what my girlfriend says. I maybe going through a slight midlife crisis (I am turning 30 in two years) and want some sort of longer hair style. I think I'll make an appointment and get some fancy haircut. Possibly at while kinda expensive, it is always relaxing. That sounds exactly what I need, a relaxing haircut.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Brother makes a sandwich

Fwd: sandwich 2, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Why not? So I call my mom and ask her what she is doing. She say's she is watching my brother make a sandwich. I thought he was making one to eat. Nope! He was in the garage making a costume. The only question I have is, is it okay to say he has hair in his food?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Live from my roof in sf

Live from my roof in sf, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Haiti Weather report

How about a laugh while you wait for this soon to be, extraordinary content. This guys laugh is so classic, not to mention why would Haiti need a weather report. I'm sure its the same temperature most the year round.

As some can tell, I have not found a theme for my blog. Without a theme, I have not been updating as often as I would prefer. Either way, enjoy.