Monday, May 12, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

lomo Golden Gate Bridge SF

lomo Golden Gate Bridge SF, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

This bridge, this bridge. I drive across it each day to and from work. It still amazes me, especially on sunny days. The vivid colors of the paint, the colossal size of the supports, the beautiful backdrop that is the city by the bay. I tweaked the contrast with a photochop, which I believe gives it a hint of nostalgia. Stay true San Francisco, stay true.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Marin headlands sf ca

Marin headlands sf ca, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

New frjtz in Hayes is open.

New frjtz in Hayes is open., originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Got oil?

Got oil?, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Python my new Ruby?

Since Google's App Engine was released, I've got excited about learning Python. While I was currently on a slow long path to learn Ruby on Rails, Java Struts, etc. I think I am going to switch to learning Python. I'll post any plans here on how my studying comes along.

Want to study along, check out the numerous tutorials on the Python site.

I need a haircut

I need a hair cut?! Well, that is what my girlfriend says. I maybe going through a slight midlife crisis (I am turning 30 in two years) and want some sort of longer hair style. I think I'll make an appointment and get some fancy haircut. Possibly at while kinda expensive, it is always relaxing. That sounds exactly what I need, a relaxing haircut.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Brother makes a sandwich

Fwd: sandwich 2, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Why not? So I call my mom and ask her what she is doing. She say's she is watching my brother make a sandwich. I thought he was making one to eat. Nope! He was in the garage making a costume. The only question I have is, is it okay to say he has hair in his food?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Live from my roof in sf

Live from my roof in sf, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Haiti Weather report

How about a laugh while you wait for this soon to be, extraordinary content. This guys laugh is so classic, not to mention why would Haiti need a weather report. I'm sure its the same temperature most the year round.

As some can tell, I have not found a theme for my blog. Without a theme, I have not been updating as often as I would prefer. Either way, enjoy.

Friday, March 7, 2008

iphone hello my world sdk

Hello World! Hmmm... that was supposed to display on my iphone SDK simulator. Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have been waiting for it to download for 1.5 days now. Apple, my patience is growing thin. Keep a close eye though, cause my next killer apps will be targeted toward gaining a piece of that $100 million ifund. This download is supposed to be 2GB+ in size. to be continued, this may take a while...

iphone Dev website

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

iPod/iPhone firmware update 1.1.4 released

Just connected my iPhone to iTunes and downloaded the 1.1.4 update. So far a little disappointing. This is the text when confirming the download. No new toys as of yet.
Come on apple, I salivate for new App features and functionality
Please give me, flash support (when I want it)
I would also love to have a button on my front page to automatically conserve battery life. (e.g. turn off bluetooth, wifi, and reduce the screen brightness.)

iPhone SoftwareVersion 1.1.4
This version of the software includes bug fixes and supersedes all previous versions. For feature descriptions and complete instructions,
see the users guide for your iPhone at:
For more information about iPhone, go to:
To troubleshoot your iPhone, or to view additional support information go to:
For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website:

read more | digg story

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Guerrilla Gardening in the hood

Tell me this image is photo chopped!? Either way, I found it via this article on Guerrilla Gardening. The basic idea, plant and turn the world green where ever possible. Think, below gutters, etc. To see the more hit up this site.

Image linked from Telegraph Media Group Limited 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I voted.

I voted., originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

Update: I've added a group to add your voter stickers. Please join.USA Voter Sticker Flickr Group

I was "one" of the lucky ones today to actually vote in California. If you did not hear, nonpartisan voters had trouble since the primary voting process was either too confusing or that some polling offices ran out of ballots.

This is a backward image of my voter sticker I received for being a good citizen. I felt it sorta resembles communist propaganda. Just the star imagery and the in your face red.

My polling place was a really ran down, beaten, scary building in downtown San Francisco, CA. When I walked in, I expected to be gagged and taken to a back room where Leatherface would chop me into pieces. Luckily for me I had a drugged out transvestite and an old homeless looking guy to keep me company while I dropped off my ballot. Good thing I was just dropping off my vote, I do not think I could have concentrated in there.

If you have a link to your voter sticker lets see em. Please post any comments from your experience.

To create a workplace blog or not to create a workplace blog

That is the question! As my company grows and my team expands, I am finding it harder to meet and fraternize with each other. I have also noticed lots of us have some of the same interest and curiosities but do not realize it for months after getting settled.

So how do I help create a better atmosphere at work? I believe starting a small blog where my coworkers can jot potential new project ideas, questions or status changes to their workload. While we are in an essence one big "team" we can seem disconnected at times. I am going to experiment with my direct team of 8 and see what can transpire. I will keep you posted.

Do you have any recommendations in setting up a workplace blog? Please provide comments below.

Blogging Tips:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Account

Some get you account. I've created a list of current books I am reading. Away with the overarching social sites where communities are fading or blending together. Up with the niche site where people are deeply passionate about their interests.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

V Water Advertisement

This is an advertisement for V Water. For some reason, I never seem to see these ingeniously designed ads on television. I always seem to stumble upon them on the internet and play them over and over again. Is the rest of the population not as enticed or pleased by these ads? I will post other ads which I believe showcase artsy inspirations in the future. Enjoy.

Jesus riding in

Jesus riding in, originally uploaded by elcapitan79.

I just purchased this birthday card for my brothers 27th bday. Happy Bday Jason! The best part is the card was purchased from a local book store Books, Inc. SF, CA and from a local greeting card company, Palm Press, Berkeley, CA I cannot remember the message in side the card, but I remember it was priceless.

Why mockhairfire?

The title is a play on words from the movie "Top Gun".

You're not going to be happy unless you're going Mach 2 with your hair on fire,' Kelly McGillis (Blackwood) says to Tom Cruise (Maverick)

Of course, since this is part mocking, I spelled mach with the satirical word, mock. As for the "hairfire" this is how I live life. I usually have this feeling that I have to be everywhere all at once and learn everything I can. At times, it seems a little hectic or out of control, as if I am running around with my "Hair on fire."

Topics on mockhairfire will vary from all topics including but not limted to technology, finance, art, clothing, city living and aging. In the end, I hope that this blog will spark an interest to educate yourself and create debate about your life and discussion with your friends, family and the rest of the world. Additionally, I hope I can make you laugh every so often.

With that, you are cordially invited to a wonderful mock hair fire. Please enjoy a full serving.

~ el capitan